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Custom made hay grabber sleigh for tractors
Hay cutting tedding bailing collecting

Hay services

Do you have a field need mowing or cut a few times a year?  Today, the process for growing hay still involves letting the plants grow to maturity, then cutting it, letting it dry in the sun, raking it, and gathering. Our hay services include:

Cutting, tedding, and baling. 
We can manage and maintain your hayfields. To maintain a productive hayfield, it needs to be fertilized, and harvested multiple times per year depending upon weather.

Collection, carting, and stacking.
We can collect, transport, and stack your hay bales in your barn.
Custom bale sleigh and bale grabber, designed and built to your specifications for your tractor.
Our customer made bale grabbers and sleighs are designed to expedite and accelerate bale collection and stacking.   

The bale sleigh gathers and collects bales on the field. The bale grab is designed to grab 6 to 8 bales of hay and load them onto a trailer or stack them in a barn.

>> Inquire today for fitting to your tractor and/or adapting your loader.
cutting a hay field on a farm in Massachusetts
Custom bale sleigh and bale grabber for your tractor
Field and pasture mowing with a tractor in Massachusetts Farm
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